Thursday, August 13, 2009

Who's Cody?

Cross Canadian Ragweed has a new album arriving on September 1st. I'll be interviewing Cody Canada sometime next week for the next issue of our magazine. It's not supposed to be feature-length, but I'm going to try like hell to get it to 5,000 words anyway.

All of this has been in the planning stages for a few weeks. In our scene, Ragweed is kind of a big deal. They are the LoneStarMusic Artist of the Month for August online and we published the longest review we've ever done on an album in the brand new issue of the mag.

All of this we did on our own. We didn't need some $250/hour publicist to clue us in that the release was significant in our area.


We received a call at the store earlier this week from a publicity firm in New York City. They wanted to let us know that there was a new Cross Canadian Ragweed album coming out (thanks for the breaking news) and wanted to know if we would be able to promote the record at all. Mind you, the band was splashed all over the front page of our website at the time of the call. But wait, it gets better.

Kris, our store manager who answered the call, told the guy, "I know we're doing lots of stuff with the record. They're all friends with Cody so they've got it covered." To which he responded:

"Who's Cody?"

1 comment:

Lori Whitwam said...

So, did the interview happen? Inquiring minds want to know!