Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Current Project

I present to you a clear view of how things are coming along with the story I am currently working on. They say a picture is worth a thousand words so if you get a thousand from it (or hell, even a hundred would help), please jot them down and send them to me at deverswrites@gmail.com. You could even drop them in the comments.

Thanks for your contribution!


Emma said...

was randomlingly scrolling through blogs, and passed by yours - just wanted to give you a cheer. 2015 is coming soon to a theater near you..

Anonymous said...

Damnit, Man. I need that story by 1/6/09. Get to work. You are so easily distracted. Go play some pinball. Do they make pinball for the Wii? Hmm. I'm going to go check that out now . . .

Diane said...

I never thought to solicit for words. Let me know if this works for you.