Saturday, June 7, 2008

A Good Day

I felt very "writeresque" yesterday. I received more positive comments than I could have expected from my first CP along with two good suggestions. I skimped on the character description, and she noticed. She also caught a ham-handed line that was easily corrected.

I started back to work on my WIP yesterday and had the best day that I've had in a while on that. The story has picked up some steam and I'm anxious to get each new scene rolling.

Before starting on my WIP, I spent a good deal of time on the outline, character arcs, timelines, and miscellaneous notes. Since finishing the first handful of pages, I've rarely had to go back and reference any of that again. The process of organizing all of the information on paper seems to have had the side benefit of organizing it all in my head as well. All the same, I'm glad there's a paper copy. The data storage facility inside my skull has an erratic track record.

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