Sunday, May 11, 2008

Life Wins This Round

This past week saw little progress on my novel WIP. Home life and the day job threw up some substantial obstacles.

On Tuesday, my wife had a tonsillectomy. No big deal for a teenager, but my bride is in her early thirties. As a result I was chosen this week for the roles of dad, mom, and nursemaid. The costume changes were brutal.

On the day job side of the ledger, I had three different assignments due. A 3000 word article, a 750 word article, and a 500 word CD review. I finished the first two and can't find a hook for the third.

Overall, I hate excuses. When you allow even a legitimate one through, then it makes it easier for lesser excuses to get through until you're at the point of saying "I couldn't get any writing done yesterday because there was a Law & Order marathon on TNT."

So though Life won out last week, I didn't make much progress on the novel WIP because I didn't make time for it. I'm not going to beat myself up about it (more), but even 100 words a day would have been something.

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